The Eat Plants Feel Whole Plan:

A QuickStart Guide to Transform Your health in 18 Days!

If you’re sold on the benefits and rewards of a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle, and you want to see dramatic health improvements now…

If you want to feel better, have more energy, and more mental clarity…

If you’re suffering from a disease you thought was permanent, but now you know it may be reversed, andyou need your numbers to come down quickly…

If you’re ready to embrace your intensive care now to avoid the intensive care unit later…

then you’re ready to get started with the 19-Day QuickStart Plan to transform your health.

What to Expect

If you jump in with a fully committed, all-or-nothing attitude, I’ve seen this 18-day intensive program work what appears to be miracles. I’ve seen blood pressure, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol drop dramatically, and weight loss as much as 29 pounds. You may even be able to lower and eventually wean off some medications. All in less than three weeks!

The first three days are often the most difficult for any new program. You must be determined. Imagine how you’ll feel when you have more energy, less pain, and your numbers are in line at your next doctor’s appointment. Imagine looking in the mirror and feeling proud of how far you’ve come! It will be worth all the effort. And over time your mind will become clearer, and the changes easier as you start reaping the many benefits of your new lifestyle.

Rule of thumb: the more aggressively you make changes, the more rapid your progress will be.

Why 18 days?

In my experience, an 18-day program is beneficial because it allows you to include two weekends along with a significant portion of three weeks. That’s enough time to see dramatic changes in your health status and to develop healthy new habits and tastes. For most people, 18 days is doable, not scary.

Before you Start

Make a commitment. Write out your intent, sign and date it. Find an accountability partner to help you along the way. Tell your family what you’re doing and let them cheer you on.

Check in with your personal physician. It is especially important to work closely with your physician if you have any condition for which you’re taking medications. As your health improves, your medications might need to be adjusted or discontinued. Hopefully, they will be informed of the benefits of this lifestyle, but if not, you might want to tell them what you’ve learned and show them your resources. It’s great to get lab work before and after, if possible, too. If your doctor sees that you are committed to tackling your health problems, and you show up with improved numbers the next visit, they’ll be much more interested!

Click the resources tab to learn more about the entire package of products designed to give you everything you’ll need for your journey to health and wholeness. The Eat Plants Feel Whole curriculum package includes: the original book and the Journal for a comprehensive bundle of tools to help you succeed. 

In the Eat Plants Feel Whole book, you’ll:

  • Discover four hidden villains robbing you of energy, clarity, and vitality.
  • Learn the scientific evidence behind the prevention and reversal of chronic diseases with lifestyle changes.
  • Read amazing stories about real patients’ experiences as they go through incredible health transformations.
  • Find 50 plant-based recipes, a starter menu, shopping list, practical tips and tricks, and practical “how-tos”.
  • Discover all the information and tools you need to transform your health, increase your energy, and feel whole within 18 days.
    1. The Journal is designed to make it easier to put into practice what you learn in the book. Journaling has been shown in studies to be one of the most effective ways to make significant lifestyle changes and stick with them. In addition to providing guided journal pages, this companion book will help you to:
    • Take practical steps to change daily habits, which can be difficult.
    • Track your progress, identify areas to improve, and help motivate you in your journey.
    • Keep on track with the 18-Day Action Plan.
    • Discover the most effective ways to use the journal as a tool for success.
    • Make healthier choices by applying four essential principles.
    • Focus on making positive choices rather than just eliminating the negative.
    1. The Cookbook is designed to make it easier to identify healthy dairary choices.   Most of us have around 15-17 meals we roatate through in our daily lives.   Holiday meals add less frequent favorites.  This companion book will help you to:
    • Identify therapeutic and maintenence appropriate food choices.
    • Explore healthier options for your daily eating choices.
    • Get tips for feeding kids a healthier diet.
    • Increase the amout of fiber in your diet
    • Learn how to prepare healthy carbohydrates

    Remember, the real prize for winning this race is

    your health, happiness, and well-being!